
We hope that the following information will facilitate your transition to college life:

  1. 接受十大网投平台信誉排行榜录取
  2. Participate
  3. 注册eRefund
  4. 授予学生帐户的访问权限 
  5. 支付学生账户对账单
  6. 大学储蓄计划(529计划)
  7. External奖



  • 接受你的录取通知并支付录取费用, 登录您的MyPennState帐户.
  • Your first contact with the 财务长办公室 will be after you accept your offer to attend Penn State.


  • 除了注册费, all degree-seeking undergraduate students must pay a General Deposit.
  • If you will be residing in University housing, you will also have to pay a Housing Deposit.
  • The Housing Deposit is applied to the student's first Room and Board charge and the General Deposit is applied to the student's first tuition charge.


In 新生迎新 (NSO), obtain a PSU ID+ Card, and activate your Access Account


新生迎新 (NSO) is a required activity for all first-year students and optional for transfer students. NSO is the first step for students after you accept your offer of admission. NSO processes begin in March for summer and fall admits and November for spring admits. Information about your NSO will be sent one business day after you accept your offer of admission via email.

You’ll receive information about how to schedule your NSO program and the steps you’ll need to take to prepare for it.  

During NSO, 你将了解如何加入十大网投平台信誉排行榜社区, 认识其他学生, 与顾问讨论你的学术目标, 安排你的课程. 您将了解更多关于十大网投平台信誉排行榜身份证的信息, 包括如何为你的卡片上传照片的说明. 作为国家统计局的一部分, 你的宾州州立大学邮箱将被激活, 您将学习如何访问它来发送和接收电子邮件. 财务司办公室的重要信息, 其他部门也一样, 会通过邮件与您沟通吗. 一定要定期查看十大网投平台信誉排行榜的电子邮件. 

Please note: The information above concerning NSO is general in nature and may not pertain to every student. Specific information of a more detailed nature will be communicated to each student individually at the appropriate time. 欲知详情,请浏览国家气象局网页: orientation.ftjsgg.com.

如欲观看财务司司长的NSO短片,请按 here



If there is a credit balance on your account, it will be refunded to you. eRefund is the fastest and most convenient way to receive your student refund. 注册eRefund:

  1. 登录到你的学生基地 LionPATH
  2. 点击页面上方的“我的财务状况”
  3. Select "Manage My Account/Make A Payment" to get to the Student Account Dashboard
  4. Scroll down the overview page and click on “Sign up” at “Sign up for direct deposit refunds!”
  5. Agree to the electronic Student Refund Authorization Agreement, and click “Continue”
  6. 填写所要求的信息




您可以在LionPATH中授予授权付款人访问权限, ,使他们能够查看和支付学生账户对账单, 参加分期付款计划, 并查阅国税局1098-T表格. 在您授予访问权限之后, a user ID, 临时密码, 及登入连结会传送至授权付款人. 请注意这是在 ADDITION to the delegated access you may have already granted via LionPATH for academic information. 要授予授权付款人访问权限,请遵循以下步骤:

  1. 学生:登录到你的学生基地 LionPATH
  2. 点击页面上方的“我的财务状况”
  3. Select "Manage My Account/Make A Payment" to get to the Student Account Dashboard
  4. Scroll down the overview page and click on “Send a payer invitation”
  5. 填写所要求的信息 for the 授权支付 and click on “Send invitation”. Your 授权支付 will receive an email with the Authorized User and 临时密码, 还有一个登录学生账号的链接.



  • You will receive notification via your Penn State e-mail account that your 学生帐目报表 is available to view/pay on LionPATH. Any 授权支付s on your account will also be notified through e-mail when the 学生帐目报表 is available.
  • 学生账户报表是按月编制的. 秋季学期8月初开始计费, 春季学期1月开学, 五月是夏季学期. However, this may vary slightly depending on when enrollment in classes occurs. The first billing of the fall and spring semesters is due after the regular add/drop period, 所有其他的月结单都要在每月22日之前交. 付款到期日将在学生账户报表中注明.  如果适用,宿舍费用包括在内.
  • 更多帐单资料可浏览: 支付结单.

What if my financial aid is not showing on my 学生帐目报表?

  • The "Anticipated Student Financial Aid Detail" section on your 学生帐目报表 shows your current known available aid. If you have additional scholarships, grants, or loans, please refer to 经济援助和你的账单信息 . The 学生帐目报表 on LionPATH will reflect current information available at the time the statement is prepared.


  • LionPATH提供电子付款方式. The eCheck option is a fast and convenient method to pay your 学生帐目报表 directly from a personal checking account. 用支票付款是不收费的. You may also pay by credit card (Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express). A 2.所有以信用卡在网上支付的款项需支付25%的服务费. 我们不接受信用卡通过邮件、电话或亲自付款.

  • 如果你想寄支票, you may print a remittance stub from LionPATH and mail it with your payment to Penn State. Your payment must be posted to the account by the due date on your bill to avoid a 1.5%滞纳金(按到期未偿余额总额计算). Please allow time for processing after mailing your payment (5-7 days).



Many financial advisors agree that 529 plans are one of the best ways for families to save for college. Many families across the country are finding that using a college savings plan to pay for college makes more sense than ever. 所有50个州现在都提供这些大学储蓄计划.

The specific requirements for establishing and withdrawing from a plan will vary by state, 因此,请与您的州或访问联系 www.savingforcollege.com 链接到所有州计划的信息.

支付本学期费用:  Contributions into a PA 529 account are deductible from Pennsylvania taxable income (within limits). By putting funds that a family intends to use to pay for even current semester expenses into a PA 529 account and then paying qualified expenses from the PA 529, 一个家庭可以节省3美元.07%(现行个人所得税税率)的费用. There is no time limit to qualify for a Pennsylvania tax deduction; however, please keep in mind that the processing period for contributions and withdrawals may take a few weeks. 捐款不超过14美元,每名受益人每年可获000美元(最高可达28美元),每对夫妇000美元)从宾夕法尼亚州的所得税中扣除. 欲了解更多有关pa529计划的信息,请致电800-440-4000.

External Awards


组织, agencies and donors offer scholarship opportunities to students who demonstrate scholastic merit or meet other specific eligibility criteria. 奖学金颁发单位; not Penn State, is responsible for selecting the candidate and determining the value of the award.

有关校外奖学金的更多信息,请点击 here.